2013 Yuva My Passion 13Yuva

Love for the hearts: Dr R Krishna Kumar

Dr Krishna Kumar spoke to the campers during the My Life, My Passion session on June 5, 2013. In this talk, he urged the audience to accept challenges in life. He said it is important to be constantly challenged in life because it stimulates changes and hence keeps us alive. He added that learning is […]

2013 Bala Workshops 13Bala

Love for Sweet: Good or Bad?

Dr. Harish Kumar, Head of Endocrinology department gave a workshop on Diabetics: its cause, effect and cure. “] It was one of the important events in my life.. The doctor taught us the effects of diabetes and he gave some important tips for controlling diabetes. – P.Surat Kumar The awareness session about diabetics really made […]

2012 Bala Workshops 12Bala

Health & Hygiene – Workshop

Health & Hygiene – Workshop by Dr Rahul Lakshman & Dr Lakshmi R Lashman Dr Rahul Lakshman and Dr Lakshmi R Lakshman Began the session with the WHO definition of health and stressed upon the importance of social and spiritual well being which is often ignored.He mentioned different types of sufferings an individual undergoes and […]