Pravin Patkar had a discussion with the campers on the societal problems of the present day – the child labour, slavery and human trafficking. The discussion helped to open many eyes.

Do not wait for another mahatma to come and remove the injustice, instead you become the mahatma.
– Aswathi TS
He made us aware of the difficulties faced by women and children in our country and let us know the importance and value of women in society.
– Pranav S
He made us know the direction in which the world is moving. We youth should bring it to the right place.
– Shruti Sreevalsan
It was very sad when we knew the bad condition of our own country.
– Amrita Sindhu M
I got to know the crimes taking place in the country and I feel we should focus on values and try to implement them in our life.
– Thiru Ramakrishnan T
He showed us the worst role which “I” plays in this world.
– Prabu Vignesh S
Fight injustice and never fear anyone. If you are in the path of Dharma, God will surely help and protect you. Women should never be exploited and should be treated a step above men. Women should be treated with due respect.
– Vasudevan N
I learnt courageousness and compassion from him.
– Jayadev HR
How females are suffering, and how we should behave in this society, I learned that.
– Mopuri Saitheja
Speechless! I used to say, “I will work for the betterment of the so-called prostitutes and anyone who is abused”. What he does is beyond anything that could be described. I will also contribute definitely in my own little ways.
– Aiswarya PL
He was really a great man who saves the life of girls in our country. As a girl, I am really thankful to the great man.
– Priyadharshini J
He made me realize the present situation of the society and hats off to you sir for your services to the society.
– Neeraja Valsan
Serious topic. In all other sessions in this camp we learned to change ourselves, it was all focused on making ourselves better. This talk by Mr.Patkar made us realize that we not only have a responsibility toward our self but also to the society which we live in.
– Prarthana Shedge
Another inspiration for me.
– Arun Prasath B

Through his speech, I came to know more about human trafficking and the exploitation of human rights.
– Ruxana VP
Made us know how difficult the world is. He is an inspiration for us to do something for others.
– Saranya
He works in the field! A real dangerous one at that. Courageous and bold.
– Geethanjali VS
Came to know the other side of India, the helplessness of women, and the vicious circle of human trafficking.
– Akhila A
I was really inspired by his life, works and thoughts. He was successful in building a warrior who fights against these cruelties and Adharma in all our hearts.
– Anjali Anil
You showed us the evil face of today’s society and the cruelty done to those children in red-streets. You made us realize how we should help kids like them and ensure them a good future. You also showed me the passion you showed for rescuing these many lives. You really made a change within us.
– Arjun CB
The best session I have had in my whole life. He changed my attitude towards women. I keep him as one of my role models.
– Harisankar KH
Praveenji’s session was beautiful as he proclaimed that the rights of the lower status should be taken seriously. He made us understand the status of our country, specially concerned with women and children.
– Sujith P Shaju
Its sad to know child trafficking still exist in our society. We have to stop it wherever possible.
– Nishanth Bhat K
Hats off to his work. If every one reads Gita, I think there will be no work for Mr. Patkar.
– Koushik KKS
Showed me a different face of India but it I am sure we will bring the change.
– Sathyamoorthy A
I was shocked by the stats he gave about red light areas and how girls are brought into it. To hear about his work, makes me feel like I should also do something about it.
– Divyaprasaath S
A very bold and courageous person who could not stand the plight of the innocent children and the women of this country, who were trafficked. He took us out of our shells and connected us back to the big, bad world and its big, bad happenings.
– Hrishikesh Sivanandan
He and his family are amazing. I learnt that every one should be given their rights irrespective of whatever the work they do.
– Balakrishnaveni A
We were made aware of the real situations of this world. To realize that we could not find a solution was even more pathetic.
– Gayathri PS
The scariest session in terms of the topics being discussed but so amazed by the courage he had to save any other girl like me. I also got to be more aware of how the world is now and how important it is to protect ourselves.
– Medhini Menon
An inspiring session and was also inspired by his dedication and determination.
– Parvathy Venugopal
Really liked his attitude, humbleness and the work he is doing for the welfare of the women and children. Really amazing and an eye opener for us. We should also in some way contribute to the society and make a change.
– Anjanikumar Pathak