2013 Yuva Workshops 13Yuva

Dance with Love: Workshop on Kathakali and Bharatanatyam

Paris Laxmi and Pallipuram Sunil performed and demonstrated both Bharatanatyam and Kathakali. They performed and shared the Navarasas and various mudras of Kathakali and gave practical sessions of basic steps of Bharatanatyam. During their session, they spoke about Rhythm which is a basic component of dance. They spoke about how practice makes perfection, and the […]

2012 Bala Workshops 12Bala

Dance with Love: workshop by Lakshmi & Sunil

This is one of the workshop children enjoyed most. Lakshmi explained and demonstrated the forms of dance, Bharatanatyam and Kathakali with special reference to the similarity and differences between them. They reiterated that the classical dance forms of India are not merely a movement of the body, but involves the dancer’s being one with God. […]