Since 2008 he has been fully dedicated to improving the lives of destitute children, abandoned senior citizens, victimized women and mentally disabled people. Every day, the Foundation feeds hundreds of people and works to preserve and renew the beauty and goodness of our planet Earth. He has also overseen the proper cremation rites for over 5000 unclaimed bodies.

As President of Indian Amateur Taekwondo Federation, he has taught the national teams of various countries. He has achieved IVth Dan Black Belt and received the degree of International Master – Instructor in Taekwondo Martial Arts. He had also taught unarmed combat to school children and soldiers posted in different battalions.
Environmental protection:
He is the first man to start the “Do Not Honk” campaign to educate drivers not to honk unnecessarily while driving in an effort to control noise pollution. He is a world record holder by wiping out “Horn Please” signs from the back of over one lakh commercial vehicles. For this, he is known as the “No Honking Man of India”.
He is battling to save forests in India by filing PIL (Public Interest Litigation) in Supreme Court of India.
There are people who die during road/train accidents or who are found floating in the Yamuna River, or half-eaten by animals or who have died in hospitals or accidents. These unidentified and unclaimed bodies are brought by the Police authorities to the cremation centre, where Ravi Kalra offers his helping hand to perform a proper cremation with prayers and dignity. So far he has cremated more than 5000 bodies.
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Award for Excellence in Selfless Humanitarian Services.
Serving 24/7:
Ravi Kalra feeds hundreds of poor people every day. He works tirelessly 7 days a week. He has devoted his life to look after poor, deprived, abandoned and disabled people.
He was the President of Rotary Club of Delhi Ridge for the year 2013-2014 and has also travelled to 47 different countries around the world.
Serve even after death:
He has pledged to donate his eyes, kidneys, heart valves and other useful organs after death for needy people. He has also pledged to donate rest of his body for medical research.
Gitamritam speaker in the year 2016.